Heath Self-Screening
Per the Rhode Island Department of Health, students in Middle School and High School must complete this health self-screening form every morning, indicating that they are feeling okay to come to school or able to attend at-home/online lessons, or they are exhibiting COVID-like symptoms. For a regular absence, please call the school as you have done in the past.
NSPS Technical Services
Please use this FORM to request technical help including for Chromebook issues and password resets: |
Student Return from Hybrid to Date:
School Reopening Planning
North Smithfield Public Schools will be submitting to the Rhode Island Department of Education reopening plans to cover each of three specific scenarios:
NSPS Goal Our goal is to re-open with the “Full in-person for All” model. To that end we will be:
This is just a small list. The overall changes and restructuring will be extensive. We will try and minimize any disruptions and ensure a smooth transition to instruction regardless if conditions in August allow us to re-open fully, partially, or we have to return to an improved distance learning. NSPS School Reopening Support Documents