Special Education
The North Smithfield Public Schools (NSPS) provides special education and related services to resident children with disabilities who are eligible for and require specialized instruction between the ages of three and twenty-two.
Children With Disabilities Attending Private Schools/Referral
Anyone suspecting a parentally placed child may present with a disability may submit a Special Education referral to the Pupil Personnel Services office. All referrals will be answered by the Evaluation Team to consider the need for any formal and/or additional assessments, which will be used as part of the process to determine eligibility for special education services
Public Reporting: Disproportionality
Children With Disabilities Attending Private Schools/Referral
Anyone suspecting a parentally placed child may present with a disability may submit a Special Education referral to the Pupil Personnel Services office. All referrals will be answered by the Evaluation Team to consider the need for any formal and/or additional assessments, which will be used as part of the process to determine eligibility for special education services
Public Reporting: Disproportionality
Parent Advisory: Special Education Local Advisory Committee (SELAC)
We are currently looking for a parent volunteer to work with the Director of Pupil Services to ensure students with execptionalities are considered when planning fiscally, programmatically, strategically, and/or instructionally. Please contact the Director of Pupil Services at 401 769 5492 X2212 for more information.
We are currently looking for a parent volunteer to work with the Director of Pupil Services to ensure students with execptionalities are considered when planning fiscally, programmatically, strategically, and/or instructionally. Please contact the Director of Pupil Services at 401 769 5492 X2212 for more information.
- SELAC is a group of parents of children who meet once a month and work collaboratively with district personnel and administration to advocate for programming and services appropriate for children with diverse needs.